This post was written when I was first starting with Social Media/Marketing
It seems as if everywhere you go, you will see someone on an i-phone, an i-pad, a laptop or some other electronic device. Most, if not all, of those using these devices will be checking in with a social site, either Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google Plus, MySpace or other site.
There is texting being done on buses, trains, planes and in restaurants; phones being used in every place they are allowed and yes, even in a few places they aren't. Sometimes all of this "social-ism" is a bit much to take. Life takes on a frantic pace and before you are aware of it, you are spending hours in front of your computer or with your phone! It has only been a couple of decades that we have had this stuff, but it has become an integral part of our everyday routines.
Some of us have become aware that we can actually make a living by doing the very things everyone around us is doing for nothing. As a Social Media/Marketing Strategist, I spend time on the internet, surfing, blogging, doing research, emailing and "checking in" with all the social sites out there. The difference is that I now get paid to do all of that.
A client based business is not easy, there are a lot of variables, but, if you like dealing with social media and have an intuitive personality, Social Media Management may be for you. There are many great ways to get started, but the most important is to have a web presence and brand yourself as well as your chosen business name. Find a group that will give you advice and help you along the way.
Be proactive and take charge of your income, your life and your future - Be your own Boss!