
Patience is the key – it takes a lot of time – sometimes generations for a priceless gem of a life to emerge from what looks like a worthless hunk of coal. There are bright and shiny “Diamond” moments to every season- when we are looking at a long, cold winter that hangs around for months of dreary skies and cold, icy wind – We can look at the beauty of a rare sunny day, sparkling on the new fallen snow or the trees looking ghostly white with a winter coat, icicles winking from branches.
While we are waiting for the beginning of our summer fun, we can listen to the birds joyfully singing in the spring days and watch the leaves unfurling in bright green banners of color. While we wait on vacations to far off places, we can see the wonders of our “Home Place” with new eyes, open to the possibilities.
When we are lamenting about the shortness of vacations or the end of our summer activities, we can look forward to the pretty colors of autumn and the coming holidays to be spent with family and friends. Each cloud has that “Silver Lining”; we just have to look for it – Each piece of coal has the potential to be a priceless diamond.
Each person, if motivated and open to the unlocked recesses of their own worth, can be a diamond in the rough edges of life. If given the chance to evolve, grow and change in engaging, upward ways, each soul is a valuable asset to themselves and to others. If we look hard enough, we can turn every negative into a positive and every rough edge into a smoothly polished work of art.

Take Life As It Comes and Be Flexible. Enjoy! Micci