SoCalMediaSurfer-MiccilinaPiraino (This Post is Meant to be Satire!)
Did ya ever have one of those days? LOL Yeah, I had one of those days today! Everything that I tried to do to new designs, new pages, new blogs, just went wonky on me! I found that pages I was designing came out with errors on them, gadgets I tried to download, just suddenly stopped working and some things moved on thier own, I swear – I got Gremlins!
My writing means alot to me, when I write things, I write from the heart and I really don’t rehearse, or write from notes, so it is all off the cuff and original to that moment. So when the glitches happen and I have been writing non-stop for an hour and suddenly everything disappears and can’t be rescued, that old saying that should be drummed into every writer’s brain – SAVE and SAVE OFTEN – came to mind – ayup, was supposed to do that, but I was on a roll….uh huh!
It is never the same twice, so when I rebuild it from scratch, it’s a whole new Blog – I feel as if something precious was lost. Live and Learn, Ok, so I am a recent convert at some of this Techie stuff! I admit that I AM NOT smarter than a Fifth Grader and be done with it! My eighteen year-old runs rings around me in what used to be my area of expertise!
YES! I was a designer of web pages when geekiness was not cool! Don’t want to date myself, but Rick Springfield was playing Doctor on General Hospital and LoverBoy was struttin their stuff in Hot Red Leather Pants! Okay, it was the 80′s, so I am sadly out of date on alot of new design, gidgets, no, midgets, awww heck, I mean widgets!
I learn fast so I actually had my teenager give me some pointers, now if I could just find the post it he left for me…..Shoot and Sugar, bet I threw it away with my left over sandwich. Oh well, back to the drawing board Tomorrow, I will tackle and conquer that silly techie stuff if it kills me and it just might, lol.
I am having as much trouble with this as I did learning the IM lingo, but I did get that finally – OMG, my BFF has been LHAO at me all this time, I just didn’t know it! Sooooo….now I get to get some rest and try not to dream of widgets, gadgets, web pages and design error messages – Good Luck on that one! Run Away, Run FAR Away and Be Afraid, Be VERY Afraid! For if there is a power outage on the Eastern Seaboard, the West Coast or a big computer crash at some whosit corporation tomorrow, you may just have gotten my Gremlins! They multiply with feeding, you know. CYA! Micci

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