
My photo
San Diego, CA, United States
Social Media/Marketing Strategist; Manager; Writer/Designer; Blogger; Poet; Educator; Mom, all descriptions, but I am JUST ME and Unique! Blogging about my adventures at SoCal Media Surfer and I am going for the Gold! I intend to be successful and create something that will outlast me. My kids are already part of that, now on to Conquering the Rest of the World! MIND YOUR HELM! Be In Charge of Your Own Life, Be at the Wheel of Your Career! My New Motto for Life - My Life!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Writing is an art form that chooses YOU!

Writing is an art form that chooses YOU!

Writing, for me, is like breathing, I have to do it to survive.  

Word Pictures are basically the foundation you build on to create a buzz - if you can make someone see a picture in their head, they GET YOU, and your poem, Blog, or article. If it makes them think, feel, even get emotional, then you have done your job to the best degree that you can. Create, Motivate, Compromise, Improvise, Relate, Communicate - All Action Words - Turn that Passion for all of these into Action and Put Down the thoughts that will help others to do these things as well.

Sharing your gift, gives a gift to others who, hopefully, will in turn give back to you and others in their path, some call this Paying It Forward. To really move someone, is to reach into the deepest part of their mind, soul and secret dreams and give them something that they are searching for - something real that brainstorms ideas and creativity within them. Motivational speakers use different tools to get people going, humor, incentives, advice and guidelines.

Writers use the written word to produce the same results. We give of ourselves, our hopes, our goals, our vision. Creative people are the souls with the most Optimistic, Sometimes Pollyanna approach to life - we play that glad game in our hearts and spill it out onto the paper.

Now, don't be thinking that we don't have bad days, creative though we are, we hit walls, have frustration and blockages, come up against rejection and doubt often enough to make some want to quit. But as I have said, we need to write, as though we were a plant and writing was the energy we feed on. Sometimes it is our Sun, Moon and Stars, Magic and Mastery.My advice to all that want to do this is to take your love of writing to a level that exceeds your comfort zone - try a style that you have never done before - get out there and show yourself and the world that you can do anything you set your mind to!

What writing feels likeWhat writing feels like

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